
The Rock

Did The Rock aka Dwayne Johnson Take Steroids To Bulk Up 30 lbs for the movie Fast Five?

Do You Smell What The Rock Is Cookin?

So who sees a movie like "Fast Five", the 5th Fast and the Furious movie, with a plot so simple and unoriginal  that it could have been written by a 7 year old? THIS GUY! I actually did want to see this movie because both The Rock and Vin Diesel were both in it, and I'm a sucker for dumb action movies (I loved The Expendables for instance, which had an equally predictable plot). So anyways, the plot was stolen from every other type of car chase and heist movie but I still liked it.

What really stood out was how absolutely enormous Dwayne Johnson, (formerly The Rock from WWE), was for the role. Vin Diesel was pretty big in the movie but Johnson made him look like a girly man when he stood next to him. He's 6'4" and has always been pretty muscular and athletic (he used to play for the national champion University of Miami Hurricanes football team and the Canadien Football League before he was a professional wrestler). But he looked like he weighed about 275 in the movie, basically just a huge wall of muscle. Like I said, he made Vin Diesel look like a pipsqueak by comparison. Yes, Johnson has always been big and has a naturally gifted physique but he's also 39 years old and natural testosterone levels drop for most men in their 30's. He's also been a part of many organizations that have admittedly used steroids in the past (UMiami or any other Division I College Football Powerhouse for that matter, semi-pro football, and of course the WWE). 

"I'm A Cop You Idiot!" -Ahnold 
Did he just use a bulking up workout routine including heavy weights, compound movements, low-medium reps, and enormous amounts of calories? Or did he take the quicker method of steroids or human growth hormone (hgh) to put on the freakish mass he displayed in the movie? We may never know, but you gotta see the movie to know what I mean, he's a monster! These pictures don't do him justice.

Know Your Role, and Shut Your Mouth!
The People's Champion at Wrestlemania in April 2011
I hope The Rock doesn't come and lay the smackdown on my Roody Poo candy ass for being such a jabroni and writing this blog post! :( If ya smeeelllllllalalalalala, what The Rock, is Cookin!

The Rock In His Glory Days as WWE Champ

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